Documents and publications
View all our reports about the activities of the Trust including clinical governance and overall annual reports.
We are committed to providing a safe environment for patients and staff; ensuring that the right staff, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time (National Quality Board, 2016).
As per the National Requirement by NHS England, arising from the Francis Report (2013); all NHS Organisations must publish their nurse staffing data monthly.
Safer Staffing Data report - January 2025 Safer Staffing Data report - December 2024 Safer Staffing Data report - November 2024 Safer Staffing Data report - October 2024 Safer Staffing Data report - September 2024The Safer Staffing Data report includes Care Hours per Patient Day (CHPPD). CHPPD shows the staffing levels in relation to patient numbers on an inpatient ward. It gives ward managers, nurse leaders and hospital executives a picture of how staff are deployed and how productive the clinical area is.
Information on Care Hours per Patient Day from NHS England
There are a number of assurance measures in place to review Safe Staffing for Nursing and Midwifery, for example: the utilisation of evidence based tools to assess workforce requirements within the inpatient settings in accordance with patient safety outcomes, patient feedback and professional judgement (NHS Improvement, 2018).
Our People Strategy
Our People strategy sets out our aims to engage and develop our people to deliver our vision and strategic priorities.
Download and read Our People StrategyOur Improvement Plan
We are on a journey of improvement.
In everything we do, we want to make our patients and their families feel cared for, safe, respected and confident we are making a difference, and provide the best possible care and treatment to every one of our patients.
Our aims for 2023-2025 are driven by learning from Dr Kirkup’s report Reading the Signals; the standards patients should expect for planned, cancer and emergency care, the need to be financially sustainable by providing better care and reducing waste and our ambition to be a centre of research excellence.
Download our Improvement Plan summary Download our Improvement Plan summary (accessible version)Our Communications and Engagement Strategy
Download our Communications and Engagement StrategyOur Dementia Care Strategy
Download our Dementia Care StrategyFoundation Trust Authorisation documents
Trust ConstitutionSelf Certification of Provider Licence Provisions
To request a copy of our Self Certification of Provider Licence Provisions, please contact us.
Certificate of Registration
The Trust received its formal certificate of registration in June 2010 by the Care Quality Commission under the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
Certificate of Registration (June 2010)Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT)
Once a year, all hospitals are assessed under the Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) programme.
Safeguarding Children Assurance statement – September 2009
In July 2009 the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published a report on their review of arrangements in the NHS for safeguarding children. In line with this the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust has considered its own processes, procedures and policies in regard to safeguarding children and has worked with its partners to respond to initiatives and reviews at both national and local levels. In particular, the Board is assured that:
East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust meets the statutory requirement with regard to Criminal Records Bureau checks.
Child protection policies and systems are up-to-date and robust, including processes for the follow-up of children who miss outpatient appointments. There are detailed procedures in the Accident and Emergency departments with which all staff are required to comply.
Children’s safeguarding training at Level 1 is identified as a mandatory requirement for staff and is embedded in the staff induction programme. From September 2009 an online e-learning package for Level 1 training will also be available.
The named Doctor, Named Nurse/Midwife responsible for safeguarding are clear about their roles. Additional support for safeguarding was identified as a need and this has been provided in part by the development of existing roles and the planned creation of additional posts to support an expanding agenda.
The Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Quality is the Executive Director lead for safeguarding. The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee reviews safeguarding across the organisation annually and safeguarding has been incorporated into the audit programme for this year.
On the basis of this work East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust confirms that the Board of Directors has considered its own position in regard to safeguarding children and has the necessary assurance that it is meeting its statutory requirements and is following good practice.
Stuart Bain
Chief Executive
Delivering Same-Sex Accommodation
Same-sex accommodation declaration
Read more about Privacy and Dignity across East Kent Hospitals.
Disciplinary policy
On 24 May 2019, the NHS wrote to all Trusts to share the outcomes of an important piece of work undertaken in response to a very tragic event that occurred at a London NHS trust three years previously. On 1 December 2020, the NHS asked every Trust to make its disciplinary policy available on its website.
View our disciplinary policy on our FOI pageTrade union facility time
Trade Union facility time is when an employee takes time off from their normal role to carry out duties and activities as a trade union representative. We are required to report this information annually and it is published on the government website.
Visit the public sector trade union facility time data on the government website
The Board of Directors receive reports at each public meeting by way of assurance to monitor key clinical quality and patient safety indicators, national and local target performance, and financial performance.
The Integrated Performance Report is crucial to demonstrate how we are working to coordinate all aspects of what we do into an integrated single approach.
Please contact Sylvia Robson via to request a copy of our older IPR reports.
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act requires all government organisations, including the NHS, to publish information about that organisation. The Freedom of Information pages contain information routinely published by the Trust under the Trust's publication scheme.
Learn more on our Freedom of Information pageAccess agendas and minutes from the Board of Directors and committee meetings at the links below:
Our Board of DirectorsDetails of the Board of Directors and links to minutes and agendas.
Our Council of GovernorsAgendas and minutes from meetings.
Equality and human rightsEquality schemes, reviews and Steering Group agendas and minutes.