Recycling medical aids
How to recycle your medical aids, such as inhalers and walking sticks.
Inhalers (Re-Hale project)
If you have an empty or no longer needed inhaler, you can bring it back to a participating pharmacy. All types and brands of inhalers can be recycled.
Check the list of inhaler recycling pharmacies in east Kent, including GP and community pharmacies, to find your nearest option.
You can also drop off your inhaler at one of our hospital pharmacies at:
Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford
Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital, Margate.
Walking aids
If you no longer need your walking aid, frames or crutches that we have provided, you can bring them back to the hospital.
Simply drop your walking aid off at one of the green recycling containers in the following locations:
Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury - outpatients entrance
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford - Channel Day Surgery entrance
Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital, Margate - maternity unit entrance
We always check returned walking aids to see if we can reuse them.
If we cannot use them for our patients, we contact charities such as Operation Sunshine, who collect and refurbish them. These charities can send the walking aids to third world countries and landmine victims.