Blood tests
We are pleased to offer a Phlebotomy (blood test) service to adults and children age 5 and over.
Blood tests are now by appointment only for all patients. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to offer a walk-in service.
Patients referred for a blood test by their GP can attend our clinics.
Book a blood test onlineIf you are unable to book via this portal please call 01227 206739 between the hours of 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Please note this number is only to book blood test appointments if you are unable to use the above link.
Change or cancel your appointment
Change or cancel your appointment onlineUseful resources
Please note that we will not process samples where the patient and the requester are the same individual (self-requests) or are in a close personal relationship (family/friends). All NHS staff should be registered with a GP outside their own family. Please see Trust policy on sample and request form acceptance.
Please bring your form with you at the time of your blood test
Failure to present this form may result in your test not being done and you having to return at a later date.
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to fast before I have a blood test?
Some blood tests require the patient to fast overnight before blood samples are collected in the morning.
Fasting means that, from the night before the test, you must not eat anything and must drink only water.
Substances in tea, coffee and cola can affect some blood results, so even black coffee and sugar-free (diet) drinks must be avoided. Likewise, chewing gum or smoking must be avoided on the morning of the test.
Fasting guidelines
Fasting glucose: please fast for at least 8 hours
Oral glucose tolerance test: please fast for at least 8 hours. Note: this test takes a minimum of 2 hours. You must sit quietly and not eat or smoke during the test
Lipids / triglycerides / fasting cholesterol: please fast for at least 10 - 12 hours
Cholesterol: Fasting is not essential when the test is requested for screening or monitoring but may be recommended for diagnosis.
What if I am diabetic?
Fasting lipid results are rarely needed in diabetic patients. If you are diabetic DO NOT fast before this test, and do not stop taking, or change, your existing medication.
What if I have to take medicine in the morning?
You should not alter your medication unless instructed to do so by your doctor. If your medicine needs to be taken with food and this will interfere with the timing of your fasting blood test, please discuss this with your doctor.
How to book a glucose tolerance test (GTT)
To book a glucose tolerance test, please call the appropriate number for your hospital below. On arriving in the department, please take a seat and your name will be called.
Kent and Canterbury Hospital: appointments made via Ambulatory Care, following request directly from GP
William Harvey Hospital: 01233 616060 and select option 1
Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother Hospital: 01843 235000
Buckland Hospital: 01304 222552
Royal Victoria Hospital: 01303 854484.
Clinic opening times
Phlebotomy opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm.
Laboratory opening times for the delivery of samples: Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm.
Telephone: 01227 866496 (please note this number cannot be used to book appointments).
Phlebotomy opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm.
Laboratory opening times for the delivery of samples: Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm. Saturday, 9am - 12pm.
Phlebotomy opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4.20pm.
Laboratory opening times for the delivery of samples: Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm.
Phlebotomy opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 3.45pm (please note opening and closing times may vary on occasion).
Phlebotomy opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4pm. Saturday, 9am - 12 midday.