Facilities at Buckland Hospital

Buckland Hospital provides a range of local services. Its facilities include an urgent treatment centre, outpatient facilities, renal satellite services, day hospital services, child health and child development services, ophthalmology and diagnostic facilities, including a CT scanner.


The Chapel is open and available all the time the hospital services are being provided. It can be used for prayers, reflection, quiet space. Next door is a Wudu for Muslim prayer preparation. An emergency call-out chaplaincy service is available. Find out more about our Chaplaincy services.


The Friends’ Shop is situated beside the Pharmacy near the main entrance to the hospital. Staffing is solely by volunteers.

It has a wide range of sandwiches, drinks, newspapers, magazines, books, greeting cards, gifts, and toiletries. There are facilities for customers to warm their foods if required. These are located beside the vending machine within the outpatient waiting area.

Profits from the Friends Shop benefit the hospital so it is essential that there are enough volunteers to maintain customer satisfaction and continuously increase the funds raised.

Shop opening times: Monday - Friday, 9am - 4.30pm.

Free wi-fi 

  • Connect to 'EK-Hospital-Free-Internet' in the wi-fi settings on your smartphone or tablet

  • The hospital’s wi-fi password is hospital

  • You'll see our terms of use page - read through and follow the instructions

If you have any queries about wi-fi at our hospitals, please email Ekh-tr.itsd@nhs.net