Give us your feedback

Please share your feedback about your experiences at out hospitals. By sharing your experiences we can help to shape and improve our services for the future.
Share your experiences
The Patient Participation and Action Group (PPAG) is a group of volunteers who share feedback from the perspective of patients’, carers and the wider community to help the Trust improve its services.
Full details of the Patient Participation Group and how to join.
If you have a story to tell about your experience of using our services, we’d like to hear from you. Your feedback will help us to understand our patient and carers’ experience of healthcare. With your permission, your story may be shared with the trust board. To share your story please visit our Patient Involvement page.
This survey is anyone with a learning disability or who needs easy read information. You can tell us what it is like when you see a nurse, doctor or other healthcare person at one of our hospitals. What you tell us will be shared with the service and be used to make things better if this is needed.
If you are a family member or friend who provides unpaid care or support to a person who is an in-patient at East Kent Hospitals, we have a survey you can complete. The survey is anonymous. Your feedback will be shared with the ward and with Trust managers and used to make improvements where needed.
Leave feedback on the NHS website
Share your feedback with external organisations:
Feedback about our care or services
If you have a question or wish to raise a concern about your or someone else's care, you can complete our PALS Enquiry Form
To feedback your positive comments, or compliments, please complete our Compliments Form.
To raise a complaint please complete our Complaints Form
After your hospital visit or appointment, you will receive a text message asking for your feedback on our service. Find out more about the Friends and Family test.
Website feedback
Spotted something wrong on our website? Please tell us so that we can fix it!
Please complete our Website Feedback Form
Patient Portal feedback
Spotted something wrong on Patient Portal? Please tell us so that we can fix it!
Please email: