NHS Friends and Family Test
The NHS Friends and Family Test is a nationwide initiative to gain feedback from patients about the care and treatment they receive in the NHS.
Our latest Friends and Family test score
The data below shows the percentage of patients who responded to the Friends and Family Test survey that rated their experience as good or very good.
Maternity: 91.13% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
A&E: 81.98% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Inpatient: 88.41% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Outpatients: 95.70% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 95.38% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: 96.36% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Radiology: 97.63% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): 89.10% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Buckland Hospital
Maternity: 100% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
UTC: 93.57% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Outpatients: 96.84% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 100% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: N/A
Radiology: 97.63% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): N/A
Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Maternity: N/A
UTC: 89.20% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Inpatient: 94.86% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Outpatients: 95.79% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 95.07% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: 90% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Radiology: 97.28% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): N/A
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital
Maternity: 93.96% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
A&E: 78.41% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Inpatient: 86.07% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Outpatients: 94.92% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 96.11% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: 95.24% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Radiology: 98% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): 93.8 % of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Royal Victoria Hospital
Maternity: N/A
Outpatients: 96.99% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 100% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: N/A
Radiology: 96.63% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): N/A
William Harvey Hospital
Maternity: 87.41% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
A&E: 78.79% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Inpatient: 83.47% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Outpatients: 95.78% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Day cases: 94.53% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Ward Attender: 100% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
Radiology: 97.47% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
SDEC (Same day emergency care): 86.13% of patients rated their experience as good or very good
How does the Friends and Family test work?
When you are discharged from hospital or have attended an appointment you will receive a text message asking the following question:
"Thinking about your recent stay in hospital (or visit to an out-patient department), overall how was your experience of our service?"
In order to maintain confidentiality this is a standard message. If you have visited more than one department on the same day and are unsure how to comment, please comment on the department in which you received the most final aspect of care. If you wish to comment on all areas, you may also do this in the comments section.
If your child has been the patient, you will be asked to answer on their behalf.
It is important that you are given the opportunity to explain why you have given your answer, so please answer any follow-up questions.
It is completely free of charge for you to reply.
As well as asking you to rate your feedback and share any comments, the text message will also give you options on whether you would like to share your feedback anonymously with the Trust or with the clinician in charge of your care.
Alternative formats
Information about the Friends and Family Test is also available in the following accessible formats:
Do you have to respond to the question?
Your answer is voluntary. But if you do answer, your feedback will provide valuable information to help ensure our patients have the best possible experience of care.
Your answer will not be traced back to you, and your details will not be passed on to anyone. You will not receive a response from your reply. A member of your family or a friend is welcome to answer the question if you are unable to.
How will the results be used?
We will gather the results and analyse them to see where we can make improvements or explore your suggestions further. If your comments are complimentary we will of course pass on your praise to the staff who cared for you.
Your feedback will be combined with that of other patients to create an overall score for the particular ward or department.
This is the score which is published on our website and the NHS website every month.
Our Matrons and Ward Managers will also receive a full copy of the feedback their ward or department has received so that they can discuss this with the rest of the team and take the appropriate action.
If you have any questions or queries, please email ekhuft.patientvoice@nhs.net.
Does the Friends and Family test replace the NHS complaints procedure or other forms of feedback?
No, this will not replace our current complaints procedure or other forms of feedback. If you wish to give a compliment, raise a concern or make a complaint please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
As well as the Friends and Family test we will continue to actively seek patient and visitors views on our care and services through our website, surveys, patient groups and informal discussions with patients and their families.