Social media guidelines

These guidelines have been produced to help you understand how East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust uses a variety of internet-based social media platforms. These communication tools include: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr.

Our primary corporate social media accounts are:

These corporate accounts are managed by the Communications Team at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.

We aim to share a diverse selection of information across our corporate accounts, which include:

  • News stories from across the Trust

  • Events and awareness campaign information

  • Real time updates from events

  • Links to general health and wellbeing information

  • Shared topical information from other health care organisations


The Communications Team monitors its social media activity weekdays from 9am to 5pm. We aim to respond to all messages in a timely manner.

Replies and direct messages

We are not able to respond to clinical or medical questions via our social media sites, but we will signpost you to where to get information, advice or support. Our Patient Experience Team can be contacted on 01227 783145 / 01227 864314 or by emailing  

Twitter guidelines 

The Trust follows users who are relevant to our organisation, for example health and social care agencies and voluntary sector organisations. We do not automatically follow people or organisations that follow us.

Following other people or organisations does not imply endorsement of any kind on the part of our Trust.

Facebook guidelines

We encourage people to like and follow us on Facebook and engage with the Trust on a variety of topics.

If inappropriate content is uploaded to our Facebook pages, we will remove it as soon as we become aware. East Kent Hospitals are only responsible for content uploaded by the Communications Team.


The East Kent Hospitals YouTube Channel hosts video content which is produced or supported by the Communications Team. Content from our YouTube Channel is embedded on the East Kent Hospitals website and linked to from our Facebook / Twitter accounts.

Content is managed by the Communications Team and all comments are moderated to ensure no inappropriate or offensive comments are posted.

Press and media

If you are a member of the media and have a query or concern about any information posted on our Social Media accounts, please contact our Communications Team on 01227 866384 or email