League of Friends

There are five separate Leagues of Friends' or 'Friends' in east Kent which individually support the five hospitals across the Trust. Each League of Friends is a voluntary organisation and registered charity which supports the work of the hospitals by providing much needed extra equipment and comforts for the benefit of patients and staff through the income raised by the work of volunteers.

The League of Friends use the proceeds from fundraising to purchase a wide variety of objects for the hospitals. This includes small essentials and luxuries that improve the comfort of patients and staff (such as televisions, emergency toiletry packs and Christmas decorations) and help the hospitals to purchase larger and more expensive pieces of medical equipment. This has included ripple mattresses, patient lifting aids and hoists, defibrillators and blood pressure monitors.

Volunteers run a wide variety of events, from annual fêtes, concerts and quiz nights to shops for patients, visitors and hospital staff. Volunteers and fundraisers are always required to help. This is a rewarding and worthwhile cause in support of your local hospital. So if you can spare a couple of hours each week or you are interested in supporting an event it is requested you contact the appropriate League of Friends.

If you would like to be a League of Friends volunteer, or send a contribution to the funds it raises for the hospital, please contact:

Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother League of Friends

QEQM Hospital League of Friends, St Peters Road, Margate, CT9 4AN
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Kent and Canterbury League of Friends

Kent and Canterbury League of Friends, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3NG
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Friends of the William Harvey Hospital

William Harvey Hospital, Kennington Road, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0LZ
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Find us on social media @FriendsofWHH

Phone Number: 01233 633331

Email Address: jill.barringer@nhs.net

Website: www.friendsofthewilliamharveyhospital.co.uk

Buckland Hospital League of Friends

Buckland Hospital League of Friends. Coombe Valley Road, Dover, Kent, CT17 0HD
View on Google Maps

Phone Number: 01303 248016

Royal Victoria Hospital Folkestone League of Friends

Royal Victoria Hospital League of Friends, Radnor Park Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5BN
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Phone Number: 01303 248016