Nurse hands papers and pen to a patient

Patient information

The directory holds patient information leaflets produced by the Trust along with resources from other NHS bodies and health organisations. These leaflets are not meant to replace the information discussed between you and your doctor, but can act as a starting point for such a discussion or as a useful reminder of the key points.

Search Patient Information

Format Title
External Leaflet Signia Contrast digital hearing aids (visually impaired)
External Leaflet Signia Contrast: information about your hearing aid
External Leaflet Signia Stretta: your hearing aid information booklet
Leaflet Silicone gel
External Link Simple orchidectomy (surgical removal of a testis)
External Link Simple steps to healthy feet if you've got diabetes
External Link Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay
External Link Skin care in renal transplant patients
Leaflet Skin surgery
External Link SNAAP (Special Needs Advisory and Activities Project)
External Link Snoring Information Guides
External Link SNP array
Leaflet Social care and benefits advice for patients with bleeding disorders
Leaflet Soft contact lens
Leaflet Soft contact lens: Oxysept 1
External Link Specialist support for Black or Black Mixed-Heritage pregnant women or birthing person
Leaflet Spinal anaesthetic for a day operation or procedure: aftercare advice
External Link Spinal strokes
Leaflet Splinting for patients with neurological injury
Leaflet Squint surgery for children and adults
Leaflet Stable fractures/breaks of the spine
Leaflet Steam inhalation after surgery
External Link Steps Worldwide: parents guides
Leaflet Sterilisation during caesarean birth
External Link Stimulating the spinal cord to help with pain: information for patients
External Leaflet Stop before the op
Leaflet Stopping infection in hospital (Easy Read and Text only) Easy Read
Leaflet Strabismus (squint) explained
External Link Stroke Association
Leaflet Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage
Leaflet Subacromial shoulder pain
External Link Support for breathing problems: information for people with or affected by motor neurone disease
External Link Support for people who are d/Deaf or deafblind
Leaflet Supported Self Management for patients who have had bowel cancer
Leaflet Supported self-management for thyroid cancer patients
Leaflet Surgery for reflux disease
Leaflet Surgery for testicular cancer
Leaflet Surgery in the mouth: aftercare advice
Leaflet Surgical wound care advice following your upper limb procedures
Leaflet Sweat test
Leaflet Syringe pump
Leaflet Taking an impression of your ear
External Link Talipes / Clubfoot: The Parents' Guide
Leaflet Talk to us.... Complaints, comments, concerns and compliments
External Link TB, BCG vaccine and your baby: immunisation the safest way to protect your child
Leaflet Tear drainage surgery (DCR - dacryocystorhinostomy)
External Link Teenage Cancer Trust
Leaflet Tendon glide exercises
Leaflet Tendon operations on the hand: aftercare advice
External Link Test your breath: information for pregnant women