Nurse hands papers and pen to a patient

Patient information

The directory holds patient information leaflets produced by the Trust along with resources from other NHS bodies and health organisations. These leaflets are not meant to replace the information discussed between you and your doctor, but can act as a starting point for such a discussion or as a useful reminder of the key points.

Search Patient Information

Format Title
Leaflet Cervical biopsy
External Link Cervical screening with the right support for people with a learning disability (video) Easy Read
Leaflet Cervical screening: having a colposcopy
External Link Cervical screening: leaflet for women considering screening
External Link Cervical stitch (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG))
Leaflet Chaplaincy / Spiritual Care Services
External Link Check if a health condition affects your driving
Leaflet Chemotherapy / immunotherapy and the rare risk of extravasation
Leaflet Chest injury: aftercare advice
External Link Chickenpox
External Link Chickenpox in pregnancy: what you need to know
External Link Children's bladder health: bladder problems and incontinence
Leaflet Children's Diabetes Team
External Link Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) Support
Leaflet Chronic Neonatal Lung Disease
External Link Circumcision (complete removal of the foreskin)
Leaflet Cleaning your eyes before surgery
External Leaflet Clinical photography
Leaflet Clostridium difficile (C.diff)
Leaflet Colonoscopy
Leaflet Colonoscopy and gastroscopy
Leaflet Colorectal cancer (bowel cancer)
External Link Colostomy UK
External Link Colpocleisis (closing the vagina to treat prolapse)
External Link Colposuspension for stress incontinence
External Leaflet Coming to hospital for a blood test (Easy Read and Text Only) Easy Read
External Link Common infectious illnesses
External Leaflet Communicating by email or SMS text Easy Read
External Link Communication tips when using face masks
Leaflet Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Leaflet Congratulations on your pregnancy
External Link Connevans DeafEquipment
External Link Consent - what you have the right to expect: a guide for parents
External Link Consent and capacity: helping you make important choices Easy Read
External Link Consent to treatment
External Leaflet Consent: a guide for people with learning disabilities
External Link Considering a caesarean birth
External Link Constipation Easy Read
External Link Constipation in children: symptoms, causes and relief
External Link Constipation resources for people with a learning disability Easy Read
External Link Contact for families with disabled children
Leaflet Contraceptive coil insertion at the time of caesarean birth
Leaflet Corneal abrasion
Leaflet Corneal graft (transplant)
Leaflet Covid-19 and patients waiting for hospital treatment (Easy Read and Text only) Easy Read
External Leaflet COVID-19 Infection: Discharge from hospital stay
External Leaflet COVID-19 Infection: Discharge home from A&E or GP consultation
Leaflet Critical Care Unit patient diaries
Leaflet Critical Care Unit Rehabilitation Programme
External Link Crohn's and Colitis UK