Our Visitor's Charter

Our visitors’ charter outlines what you can expect from us during your visit and what we would like in return.

We expect our staff to

  • Be respectful, polite and welcoming to all visitors.

  • Be supportive of visitors who wish to participate in the care of their loved one.

  • Create a calm and relaxing environment to help patients recover.

  • Do their best to ensure mealtimes are about the same time every day and are free from unnecessary distractions.

  • Keep each patient’s next-of-kin well informed (with the patient’s permission).

  • Do all we can to prevent infection – this may mean restricting or suspending visiting at times.

  • Provide a clean hospital environment.

  • Prioritise the planning of care to our patients and communicate our decisions.

  • Be willing to listen and open to feedback.

  • Welcome carers and work in partnership with you

We ask our visitors to

  • Be respectful and polite to staff and other patients and visitors.

  • Avoid disturbing staff who are carrying out clinical duties.

  • Be respectful of patients’ privacy and dignity and leave the bedside
    if asked to do so.

  • Please do not film or photograph staff or other patients.

  • Let us know if you would like to help with the care of your loved one. 

  • If you would like to support your loved one during mealtimes, please speak to the ward team who will support you.

  • Check with the ward team that it is safe before helping your loved one to get out of bed or move around.

  • Please keep noise levels to a minimum and put your phone on silent, to help patients who need to rest.

  • Return any chairs you have borrowed, but let us know if you need help to do this.

  • Your loved one may need to rest more than usual. Please remember to take breaks from the bedside to allow them to rest if needed.

  • Please try to visit outside mealtimes to allow your loved one to eat without being disturbed. If you would like to support your loved one at mealtimes, please let us know. 

  • Please arrange for one person to act as liaison between the ward staff, family, and friends. 

  • Feel free to ask us if you feel you have not been given enough information.

  • Please do not visit if you have cold or flu symptoms, or vomiting or diarrhoea. Wait at least two days after your symptoms have gone before visiting.

  • Wash your hands on entering and leaving the ward and use alcohol gel or foam where provided.

  • Use chairs provided for visitors rather sitting on the patient’s bed. If you cannot find a chair, please feel free to ask.

  • Use visitor toilets and leave patient’s toilet or bathrooms free for patients.

  • To help us keep a clean and safe environment, please pick up all rubbish and put it in a bin.

  • Please keep the over-bed table clear of items so that it can be used for patients to eat or drink.

  • Please allow staff to clean effectively.

  • Please tell us if any areas need to be cleaned.

  • Inform staff of any specific needs that the patient has such as a Patient Passport or Communication Passport, for example ‘This is me’.

  • Please speak to us if you have any questions and tell us what you think about the care the patient is receiving.

  • Feel free to ask for details of how to receive a Carer’s Passport which confirms you can come and go outside normal visiting times.

    Please feel free to ask if you need help or have any queries.