Avatar of items in the hope box for children at QEQM. Image shows a colouring book, modelling clay, stress balls, paint, notebook, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse book,and cards

Hope box will comfort children in a crisis

Some of the items in the box

Published 20 March 2023

Children experiencing a mental health crisis can find some comfort thanks to a special box created by teams at the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital in Margate

The health play specialists in the paediatric emergency department created a ‘hope box’, inspired by suicide prevention charity Papyrus

Items in the box were funded by East Kent Hospitals Charity and it is designed to help children and young people who are upset, anxious or experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Health play specialist Lauren Clayson said: “The hope box is filled with things that can help children and young people feel better

“We have included items to capture all five senses, such as stress balls, essential oils, hand cream, modelling clay, conversation cards and calming pictures

“We would like to say a huge thank you to East Kent Hospitals Charity for the funding and support.”

Jo Williams, head of nursing for urgent and emergency care at the QEQM, said it was part of the package of support available to young people in crisis.

She said: “We have worked to improve how we care for people experiencing mental health difficulties, from dedicated spaces to specialist staff and additional training

“The hope box is a fantastic initiative and will benefit so many young people, together with the other brilliant work our play specialists do every day with children who are worried or frightened.”

Dee Neligan, senior charity officer from East Kent Hospitals Charity, said: “We were delighted to be able to fund this project

“The box will make a real difference to the experience of children in the emergency department and we hope other teams will also be able to introduce it soon.”