National Cancer CNS day graphic - image of a nurse holding a clipboard. EKHUFT logo and We care logo, plus #NationalCancerCNSDay and the date

National Cancer CNS Day - 'Sharon played a pivotal role in my recovery'

A receptionist given months to live almost three years ago has thanked her specialist nurse for playing a pivotal role in her recovery.

Linda Sole, from Margate, was told she had stage four lung cancer in July 2020, after initially being treated for heart problems.

But after her condition worsened, medics discovered she had a large tumour in her lung, pressing on one of the main veins to her heart.

Linda, 62, said: “It was a real shock, totally out of the blue. My breathing was bad but I had all sorts of other symptoms because of where it was.

“We were right in the middle of Covid but because I was so ill the hospital staff let my partner say with me so at least I didn’t have to go through it alone.

“We met Sharon Gill, my specialist lung cancer nurse, at the hospital and she has played a pivotal role in my recovery.”

Linda, who worked as a receptionist for a vet practice, said: “Sharon is absolutely brilliant. She is really busy but nothing ever seems to be too much trouble, and she is always there when I need her.

“She is so supportive and always gives me really good advice, and if anything needs sorting out then she will step in and do it.

“It gives me real confidence to know that there is always someone on the end of the phone if I need anything.”

Linda’s cancer is now stable, after six months of chemotherapy, a week of targeted radiotherapy and two years of immunotherapy.

She said: “The oncologist initially said I had between three months and a year because of how big the tumour was, but I have check-ups every three months and it’s looking good.

“Living with cancer can be hard but I think you have two choices. You can let it take over and consume you, or you can get on with your life and just let it stay in the background.

“It does stop me from doing some things but I focus on what I can do. My partner is exceptional and very supportive which helps, and I can’t praise Sharon enough.

“When I had to go into hospital for emergency surgery that was totally unrelated to the cancer she called to check up on me and she feels more like a friend than a nurse because of how much she cares.”