The team who will take on the 3 Peaks challenge, wearing black fleeces pictured in front of a Welcome to Critical Care sigh

Team tackles three peaks for three wishes

A team of critical care nurses will take on the Three Peaks challenge to raise money for the 3 Wishes Project.

Rachel Tappenden, Bonnie Ruddock, Josh Dale, Judith Sloan, Harriet King, Ruth Lukehurst, Josh Morris and Tim Coleman, who all work at the William Harvey Hospital, are hoping to raise £5,000 for the project, which grants wishes to patients at the end of their lives.

They will scale Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours, hiking 26 miles and climbing more than 3,000m, starting at 8am at Ben Nevis, and finishing Snowdon by 8am the next morning.

Team member Rachel said: “It is an incredibly gruelling challenge but we are passionate about raising money for the project, so more patients and families can benefit from it.”

 The 3 Wishes project gives the patients the chance to reflect on their lives, and to identify what matters most to them. It allows families to spend precious time with their loved one, creating meaningful moments in those last hours and days. Each wish is a simple, individual request, reflecting a patient’s passion or need as they approach the end of their life.

 The WHH team were the first in the UK to implement the project, which has since been rolled out to critical care units at K&C and QEQM, and to the specialist palliative care beds as well.

 The 3 Wishes Project is funded solely by donations to East Kent Hospitals Charity, including from construction firm Bauvill who chose it as their charity of the year.

 The team of nurses are developing their own exercise regimes to increase stamina and fitness and organise hikes every week in the run up to this challenge. You can follow their progress via their Instagram handle threepeaks4threewishes

You can add to the team’s sponsorship here: /page/harriet-king-1679232789476