Kent and Canterbury Hospital main entrance
Getting to...

Kent and Canterbury Hospital (K&C)

Please do not come to hospital or visit if you are feeling unwell in any way, including with cold, flu or covid symptoms. This will help keep patients safe from infections. If you have an appointment please request a new appointment.

How to find us

Finding Us

Kent and Canterbury Hospital (K&C)

Ethelbert Rd, Canterbury CT1 3NG
View on Google Maps

Attending outpatients

Please check our hospital map below for help finding our outpatients entrance. The entrance is marked as Junction 11 on the map, nearest car park 3.

Hospital map

Download the Kent and Canterbury Hospital map

If you have any problems finding your way at the hospital, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to help.

Visiting information

For information about visiting and our visiting times, see our visitor information.

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