
Find out about pay on foot charges, pay and display parking charges, parking rules and help.

Please note we will never phone you to request payment for outstanding parking charges. If you receive a phone call asking for money for parking at our hospitals, do not pay them.

If you have any concerns, please contact our Parking Administration Office directly on 01303 852732.

Pay on foot parking


  • £2.30 for the first hour

  • 20p for every additional 12 minutes after the first hour

  • Maximum charge of £10 per 24-hour period 

  • Free for up to 20 minutes. 

  • Motorcycles & mopeds - free (please use designated motorcycle bays).

Please see below for details on concessions and purchasing a weekly permit.

How to pay

On approaching the entry barrier, press the green button to take a ticket. 

Before returning to your vehicle, you will need to insert the ticket in to one of the Pay Stations which calculates how long you have stayed and how much you need to pay. 

On exiting, insert the ticket into the machine to lift the barrier.

Pay & Display parking charges

  • 0 - 1 hours £2.00  

  • 1 - 2 hours £3.00 

  • 2 - 3 hours £4.00 

  • 3 - 4 hours £4.00  

  • 4 - 5 hours £5.00  

  • 5 - 6 hours £6.00

  •  6 - 7 hours £7.00 

  • 7 - 24 hours £8.00.

Pay and display charges may also be paid by phone via RingGo. Details are posted on pay and display machines. Please note there is an additional 20p charge for using this service and optional fees (10p each) for SMS confirmation/reminder messages.  

Disabled parking, weekly permits and other concessions

Designated bays are provided close to all our hospital entrances for the exclusive use of blue-badge holders at no charge.

Please clearly display the blue-badge in your vehicle at all times.

If you are a blue-badge holder and park in our barrier-controlled parking areas, you must pay the exit fee before leaving the hospital. 

Frequent attenders

If you are attending the hospital for clinical care and have to attend for your care three times or more per month for three consecutive months, you may be eligible for free parking. A 'month' is defined as a period of 30 days. Please speak to the reception staff in the area you are attending for further details.

Parents of children staying overnight

Parents or guardians of a child or young person, under 18 years of age, who is admitted as an inpatient at hospital overnight are eligible for free parking between the hours of 7.30pm and 8am while visiting the child. This would apply to a maximum of two vehicles. Please speak to the reception staff in the area you are attending for further details.

Weekly parking permits

If you need to visit the hospital several times over an extended period, our £12.00 weekly parking permit can cut the cost of parking in the barriered car parks.

Income from parking

All income from our parking charges, after running costs and car park maintenance and improvements, is reinvested by the Trust into supporting patient care at East Kent Hospitals. We do not profit share with any 3rd party private operator, although we do use systems and equipment provided by an accredited car park management service provider.
