Carly Larkin ready for her flight - she is standing on the top wing of a yellow bi-plane which is parked in a field.

Flying fundraisers conquer their challenges

A mum who took to the skies in memory of her parents has raised more than £1,300 to support cancer patients.

Carly Larkin, who works as the apprenticeship and learner support lead for East Kent Hospitals, completed a wing walk at Headcorn Airfield.

The fund-raising flight was in aid of East Kent Hospitals Charity, to support the chemotherapy units at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, William Harvey Hospital in Ashford and the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital in Margate.

Carly, who has a range of complex health conditions including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other auto-immune conditions, said: “Leading up to the event I was incredibly anxious that I may not be able to make the flight due to dips in my recent health.

“Due to some new medication I was piling on the pounds and desperately fought to ensure I stayed under the weight limit to fly.

“It was a really tough few weeks but it was worth it, as I made it to the flight. It was an emotional day and a pretty special moment.

“Taking on the wing walk in memory of my parents, and defying all my health complexities and disabilities made me feel incredibly proud.”

Carly, 42, who lives in Faversham with her husband Paul, carried a photo of her parents with her during the flight, which lasted for 11 minutes.

She said: “It was a truly epic experience. At times with the amazing height and steep wing dips I literally felt like I was a bird soaring through the skies, and just that little bit closer to my dear parents.

“Whilst I was soaring around at 120mph at over 500ft, I felt incredibly humbled by the sheer level of love, support and donations I have received.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me and donated to this valuable cause and I truly hope this makes the difference to so many patients and their families and friends.”

Wendy Carn, who works as a PA for the Kent and Medway communication and assistive technology service at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, also took on the wing walk challenge.

Wendy, 57, from Deal, raised more than £1,000 for East Kent Hospitals Charity, conquering her fear of heights whilst raising money for a good cause.

She said: “It was a fantastic experience; not very graceful getting up onto the wing, but once up it was brilliant.

“The countryside was beautiful from up there and I didn’t get that “drawing you in” feeling I sometimes get when looking down from height.

“The cows and sheep did not seem to be phased by it at all, even when we did several swooping flybys – I guess they have seen it all before!

“It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I’m so glad I did it. Thank you to everyone who so generously donated and supported me in doing this.”

If you are interested in taking on a challenge to support East Kent Hospitals Charity, visit