The team at the top of Ben Nevis. Image is six people on top of a craggy summit, wearing wet weather gear

Nurses take on the Three Peaks Challenge to make patients’ wishes come true

A group of nurses battled driving rain and winds of up to 70mph to raise money to help patients at the end of their lives.

The team from the critical care unit at the William Harvey Hospital took on the Three Peaks challenge in aid of East Kent Hospitals Charity, with all proceeds going to the 3 Wishes Project, which grants wishes to patients who are dying.

And although bad weather and unsafe conditions forced them to abandon their climbs at Scafell Pike and Snowdon, they did successfully scale Ben Nevis and are officially classed as completing the challenge.

Judith Sloan, who took part in the challenge with Josh Dale, Frances Asabere, Ruth Lukehurst, Josh Morris and Tim Coleman, said: “We are a bit disappointed that we couldn’t reach the top of all of the mountains but the decision was made on safety grounds.

“There were weather warnings in place and although Ben Nevis was fine – it was really cold at the top and we couldn’t see anything because of the cloud – when we got to Scafell Pike and opened the door of the minibus the wind almost took it off!

“The leader said we wouldn’t be able to make it but we wanted to try, and we got as far as a river which was meant to be a stream we could cross, and it just wasn’t safe.”

The weather worsened when the group reached Snowdon and again the group attempted the climb but had to turn back about half way up.

Judith said: “What was supposed to be a path was a river, and the rain was coming straight across. We saw another group who were trying to do the challenge and they didn’t even attempt Snowdon because it was so bad.

“It was definitely a challenge and we worked so hard to train and prepare but the weather was just too bad on the day.”

Team members Rachel Tappenden and Bonnie Ruddock were unable to take part in the climb but held a cake sale which raised almost £900, bringing their total raised to more than £5,000.

The money will be used to help fund wishes for patients and their loved ones, allowing them to spend precious time together and create meaningful moments in their last hours and days.

Judith said: “We see the benefits of the 3 Wishes Project every day, from families being able to spend time together in our garden with their loved one feeling the sun, wind and even the rain on their face, to helping them create memories and keepsakes.

“People really appreciate it and I think it helps them come to terms with what is happening and gives them some really precious moments together.”

The 3 Wishes Project is funded solely by donations to East Kent Hospitals Charity, including from construction firm Bauvill who chose it as their charity of the year.

You can add to the team’s sponsorship at