Julie Yanni, in a red nurse's uniform, presents Caroline Judge, in a blue nurse's uniform, with her award

Terrific trio are Trust's shining stars

A sought-after healthcare support worker, a compliance and standards senior sister, and a deputy head of nursing are the latest recipients of a national Cavell Star Award.

The awards are given to nurses, midwives, nursing associates and healthcare assistants who shine bright and show exceptional care to their patients, colleagues, and families.

East Kent Hospitals’ latest winners were all nominated by clinical nurse educator Tammy Pilton-Pluck, based on feedback from colleagues across the Trust.

She described healthcare support worker Tina Ottley as “professional, confident and courageous, compassionate, with a massive heart for her patients”.

Tina is based on Cambridge L at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford, but is often sent to support other areas, where she always puts the patients first. She shows the same care to her colleagues, offering support and guidance where needed.

Tammy said: “Most recently Tina agreed to become an enhanced care champion and she has thrown herself into changing the patient experience, endeavouring to motivate the rest of the team to change their perception and care of patients living with dementia.

“I am proud to call her my colleague, as are so many others.”

Kirsty Tanton is a compliance and standards senior sister, working with governance and clinical education teams to embed changes based on external assessments and guidance.

Tammy said: “Kirsty has worked tirelessly with such passion to develop innovative ways of engaging managers and staff in quality improvement and her strategies have allowed me as an educator to better plan and implement learning that is targeted to the right audience, with the right content, at the right time, in the right way.

“Throughout this all Kirsty has maintained her joy, humour and creative way of looking at things along with her impeccable professionalism as a nurse. She is who I strive to be.”

The Trust’s final recipient was Caroline Judge, deputy head of nursing for the general and specialist medicine care group, described by Tammy as an inspirational leader.

She said: “Every day she lives both her own and our organisation’s values, and has embedded this in her every interaction. She shows up by being present, honest, compassionate, courageous and caring to everyone she meets including our housekeepers, nursing and medical staff, patients and relatives.

“She has dedicated herself to the improvement of care for patients that require additional support by taking on policy change, exploring best practice, and engaging in collaborations to improve an important area of care we provide, and has taken myself and our health care support workers along with her on this journey.”