World Pharmacists Day: Meet Miracle Muokebe
Miracle Muokebe always wanted to follow in her family member’s footsteps and become a pharmacist.
Miracle said: “I grew up loving three things – science, maths and people. A perfect combination for a pharmacist, at least that’s what my aunties and cousin said, who uncoincidentally are pharmacists.
“They were right though; I absolutely love being a pharmacist! I get to meet lots of different people, work at a fast pace and use my knowledge and expertise to help patients get better.”
While Miracle spends some time each week helping in the dispensary, most of her time is spent in clinical areas checking drug charts, prescriptions, offering guidance to doctors and nurses about medicine compatibility and effectiveness as well as many other responsibilities.
She said: “I recently spent some time with a patient who was really concerned about her new medication and how it would make her feel, and how it would interact with another medication she was on. I was able to talk her through it, reassure her and ensure she knew where to go if she needed further help or advice.
“It’s one of the great things about working on a ward, we’re on hand to offer immediate advice and guidance to both patients and staff.
“Soon I will be starting my new role as a specialist clinical pharmacist in surgery which I’m really excited about, and one day I hope to become an independent prescriber with my own clinic.
“If anyone is thinking about a career in pharmacy, I say go for it! It’s so rewarding, I’m constantly learning and expanding my knowledge so it’s always really interesting.”