Clinical Service

Critical Care Follow Up and Rehabilitation

Contact us

Change or cancel your appointment online

By email or telephone

By post

Critical Care Follow Up and Rehabilitation team                                                                           
c/o Amanda Todd, Administrator, Critical Care Unit, Kent & Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury CT1 3NG

What we do

We support people who have recently stayed in critical care.

Many people who leave critical care will make a good recovery, but sometimes there can be lingering problems, such as muscle weakness or anxiety. This is known as Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS). We offer ongoing support and treatment (rehabilitation) to help you recover.

Our care starts when you are in critical care and continues as you step down to a general ward, and when you go home.

About your appointment

If you were in ITU critical care in East east Kent, we will:

  • Telephone you at home to introduce our service

  • Ask how you are getting on with your condition and recovery

  • Talk to you about how we can help

The first part of the programme will offer you a weekly 30-minute appointment online, with exercises to help improve your strength.

The second part of the programme is different every week. You might talk to us or to others who have had a similar experience to you. You can talk to the team who looked after you in intensive care to learn more about what they did. We can also make a timeline of your stay in critical care, with explanations and answers to your questions.

Patient information

ICU Steps

We recommend this resource of information and support for patients and relatives on critical care, recovery and coming to terms with surviving critical illness.

Where do we provide this service?

The service is provided in your home by telephone or video-conference.

How do you use this service?

You should receive a telephone call when you go home. This will vary as some of our patients go home a few days after going to the general ward. Others will spend weeks or months in rehabilitation. If you have not heard from us please email or telephone us.