Clinical Service

Dementia Care

Contact us

Change or cancel an appointment online

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm.


Contact a ward

What we do

We are not a diagnostic service, but can offer information about how dementia is diagnosed in the community. We offer care planning for people living with dementia while they are in hospital, and support for people who are experiencing increased distress or complex needs.

We promote John’s Campaign, which allows carers to stay with their family member during their hospital stay. We can also offer advice and support to family and carers.

We work closely with ward nurses and doctors as well as with other specialist teams and can offer guidance in supporting people with delirium or confusion who are distressed.

How to access this service

If your relative, or person you care for has a diagnosis of dementia, the ward staff can contact the dementia team to support you.

Patient information

Dementia Patient Information Library

View our resources for dementia, including patient information leaflets.

This Is Me Leaflet

A simple leaflet by the Alzheimer's Society for anyone receiving professional care who is living with dementia or experiencing delirium or other communication difficulties.