Clinical Service

Home Haemodialysis (Renal)

Contact us

Change or cancel your appointment online

Call us on 01227 783025.

Write to us at:

Renal Outpatients
Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Ethelbert Road

What we do

Our home haemodialysis team train and support you and/or your carer to manage your haemodialysis at home.

Haemodialysis involves diverting blood into an external machine, where it's filtered before being returned to the body.

Learn more about haemodialysis on

What to expect

We will complete a home survey to check there is enough space for the dialysis area and the monthly deliveries.

If your home is rented, permission will be required before we can begin.

You must be well and ‘stable’ on dialysis to have dialysis at home.

Your consultant or nurse will review you on a regular basis.

A nurse or technician will also be available to help with servicing and repairing the machine.

Browse our home Haemodialysis patient leaflets and information

Haemodialysis training

You and/or your carer will receive training on how to complete your haemodialysis at home. This will cover all aspects of your haemodialysis.

Our main training area is at Kent and Canterbury Hospital. However, initial training will take place at your local satellite unit.

How to access this service

Please speak to one of the renal unit nurses if you wish to be assessed for having dialysis at home.