Support Service

Clinical Photography and Illustration

What we do

Our team photograph medical conditions. These can help diagnose or check your condition during treatment.

Many photographs taken by clinical photographers are also used for teaching doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Sometimes, with your permission, photographs will be published in a medical book or journal.

For more information about clinical photographers, visit the Institute of Medical Illustrators website.

Our services:

  • clinical photography

  • general photographic services (including staff photo board)

  • non-accidental injuries photography within the Trust

  • graphic design

  • medical art

  • reprographic services

  • videography.

Who will see my photographs?

Only healthcare professionals who are involved with your treatment or stay in hospital can see your medical photographs. These images will become part of your confidential medical records - access to these is securely controlled and monitored.

About your appointment

On arrival to the department you will be booked in and your personal details will be checked.

You will then be asked into the studio where the clinical photographer will explain the procedure to you and ask for your consent to be photographed.

Depending on which part of the body needs photographing, you may be asked to remove jewellery, make-up and /or clothing. The photographer will also explain and show you how you will need to sit or stand.

We make every effort to maintain our patients’ dignity but it is important that we photograph your clinical condition as accurately as possible with the minimum of distraction.

Please note: The flash lighting used will be quite bright.

Sometimes mirrors and retractors may be used to assist with seeing into the mouth and hairbands or grips may be used to keep hair away from the face.

If you feel uncomfortable at any time or wish to have a chaperone present please tell the photographer.

Chaperoning policy

On occasions, when photographs of a sensitive nature are required, it may not be possible for the same sex photographer to take the photographs. On these occasions a chaperone will be present. Often the chaperone will be behind a screen and will concentrate on the photographer’s actions and not you, the patient.

If you are at all unhappy with being photographed by a photographer of the opposite sex, we will be happy to re-book your appointment. However, if the condition is likely to change before a new appointment is made it would be advisable to go ahead with the existing appointment.

For further information about East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust’s consent, read our Clinical Photography and Video Recording policy.