Clinical Service

Non-Specific Symptoms (NSS) Faster Diagnostics

Contact us

Telephone: 01233 616777


Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. 

If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message on the answer machine and we will return your call within 24 hours. Please remember to leave your name, date of birth and hospital or NHS number. 

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let the hospital know immediately. It is important an alternative date and time is made when cancelling. You can do this by phoning us direct on 01233 616777.

Change or cancel your appointment online Contact a ward

What we do

Our Non-Specific Symptoms (NSS) Faster Diagnostic service provide investigation, diagnosis and treatment for non-specific symptoms that could be suspicious of cancer.

We also arrange any referrals you need to other specialist cancer and non-cancer teams.

Some symptoms may include:

  • unexplained weight loss

  • vague abdominal pain

  • nausea (feeling sick) and / or appetite loss

  • fatigue (tiredness).

There are many conditions that your symptoms could be linked to, including the possibility of cancer.

Please be assured that most patients will not have cancer but it is important we identify any conditions which may need to be treated. Earlier tests could help make a diagnosis quicker and allow treatment to start sooner.

Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions about the appointment or our service. 

Galleri Trial

We also manage the referrals from the NHS Galleri Trial.

If you have been referred to East Kent Hospitals via the Galleri Trial, we will be in contact once we have reviewed the referral. If you have any queries, please contact us or visit the NHS Galleri Trial website.

About your appointment

You will be contacted for an appointment by the NSS team. This will either be a face-to-face appointment or held via telephone.

You may need to have other tests such as CT, MRI and ultrasound.

Your GP may have taken bloods and our team will have these results for the first appointment. You may be required to have other blood tests.

You will be contacted by the hospital for further information.

Your results

We will either invite you back to clinic for a second appointment to discuss your outcome or we will give you a call.

Where to find us

Our services take place at:


NSS team patient information leaflet One You Kent

How to use this service

Your GP will arrange a referral for you if they feel your symptoms need further investigation.