Clinical Service

Renal Dialysis Access Team

Contact us

Opening hours: 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday

Telephone: 01227 864305

Change or cancel your appointment online Contact a ward

What we do

All people having dialysis treatment need to have dialysis access. We are a point of contact to co-ordinate and support your dialysis access preparation, surgery, after care and maintenance.

Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working properly.

We work closely with renal, vascular and radiology teams to assess you for your type of dialysis access and plan the relevant dialysis access surgery. We support you and the dialysis teams to care for your dialysis access and look for complications early so that we can preserve your access for as long as possible.


Renal patient information library

About your appointment

Please read your appointment letter carefully to see which hospital and department you will be seen at.

You will be seen by a vascular surgeon and a nurse in the clinic who will explain things to you. Please bring any questions you would like ask.

Where do we provide this service?

Clinic appointments are held at Kent and Canterbury hospital, Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother hospital and Maidstone hospital.

Surgeries take place at Kent and Canterbury hospital only.

How do you use this service?

Before starting any type of dialysis, a referral to this team is usually made by a kidney (renal) consultant.

Once you have been scheduled or have had dialysis access created/inserted, you or your dialysis nurses may refer you to this team for support and information about your dialysis access.