Clinical Service

Supportive and Palliative Care

Contact us

Ask your hospital doctor to contact us. Or call the main hospital switchboard and ask to speak to a member of the supportive and palliative care team.

What we do

Our supportive and palliative care team can help you, and those close to you, cope with life-limiting illness.

Because life-limiting illnesses can affect all aspects of life, we offer support in the following areas:

  • physical

  • spiritual

  • social

  • emotional

  • work.

We know that what is happening to you also affects those you love and care for. We try to offer support for them as well.

We support people with a variety of problems, including:

  • cancer of all types

  • other non-cancer progressive diseases, such as:

    • heart failure

    • kidney failure

    • lung conditions

    • dementia.

We can also support people through treatment of some curable serious conditions.


Palliative Care patient information library

Pilgrims Hospices

Where to find us

We see in-patients admitted into any of our hospital sites

We work 9am-5pm, 7 days a week, with telephone advice for the doctors and nurses caring for you outside of these times. 

At home, care is provided by our community colleagues based at Pilgrims Hospices.

How to use this service

The doctors and nurses caring for you, or someone important to you, can contact us for support and advice. 

Please ask the team caring for you, or the person important to you. You can also contact us directly via the main hospital switchboard if you are worried.

We see all urgent referrals to our team within 24 hours, and non-urgent referrals within 48 hours.