Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer
Contact us
Change or cancel your appointment online Contact a wardCall our cancer care line on 01227 868666.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am - 4pm.
What we do
Our upper gastrointestinal cancer team care for people with suspected gastrointestinal cancer.
This includes:
small bowel cancer
cancers of the biliary system (such as bile duct cancer).
What to expect
If test results show you have suspected upper gastrointestinal cancer, you will be seen by our team.
Your case will be discussed in our multidisciplinary (MDT) meeting to arrange the best care plan for you.
You can contact us via the cancer care line on 01227 868666.
You will receive support from our hospital based Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists, who can offer you and your family support, and information to assist you in coping with your diagnosis.
You may also be referred to one of our specialist centres at King's College Hospital or Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital.
Learn more about our cancer treatment optionsWhere to find us
Our services take place at:
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford
Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury.
How to access this service
If you are worried about upper gastrointestinal cancer symptoms, please see your GP. Your GP can refer you to our care.